Client Work: Directing / Supervising
I Want Your Money!A series of three short films: A good old fashioned Caricature spoof on American Politics, featuring 6 American Presidents and a host of political figures including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hilary Clinton, and others from left and right.
The Films Premiered at Siggraph 2011 DISCLAIMER: I have ZERO affiliation with any American Party or political movement. All views and opinions are soley those of the writers and the client. |
Time Cycle Academy Learn Our HistoryA series about American Kids travelling back in time to witness actual historic events as they happened - enabling them all to Ace their reports and exams - unbeknownst to their History teacher.
Bringing dry textbook history alive with entertainment is what its all about! TRIPPIN'Our Special Effects team reveled in this over the top cult Horror Comedy by Devi Snively. We did all of the effects for the film - and afterwards some of us weren't quite the same....
This cult film genre has a pretty big following, and the film did well in the festival circuit. We also effects for a few more films of this genre - but I'm just NOT going to show any more images of this type today.... |
To see clips from these outsource jobs and others - checkout reels here:
Above: 'I Want Your Money' An assembly of scenes from the three movies.
More Recent Client Work: Modeling & Animation
A screen shot from some character blend shapes I made for a Madscrap Productions Trailer. I did the blends for all the Characters for this short. I also did the character retopo, and animated some of the shots during the 'Covid' summer of 2020.